What if Intimacy is Your Key to Confidence?

“Activate Your Confidence by keeping an alert mind and a thankful heart" (see Colossians 4:2). Recently I attended a women's conference where Rachel Hickson was the main speaker and she really got me chewing on where confidence comes from, or lack thereof. During the conference I learned that the definition of c onfidence (prior to 1975) was "A Feeling or belief that someone can rely on, believe or count on or trust on someone or something." Confidence had nothing to do with the concept of self or self-reliance, which is a wide-spread understanding today. Confidence depended on "Certain of truth. [As in] Confident in a belief." For example, we ask Kingdom Ambassadors, the King's kids are called to walk with this belief: I am confident of WHO’s I am and What I can do w/Him inside me. I have a confident life of freedom, hope, and liberty because I have a deep assurance of my place in Christ Jesus. This resolute assurance, which is a strong and steadfa...