What if Intimacy is Your Key to Confidence?

    “Activate Your Confidence by keeping an alert mind and a thankful heart" (see Colossians 4:2).
    Recently I attended a women's conference where Rachel Hickson was the main speaker and she really got me chewing on where confidence comes from, or lack thereof. During the conference I learned that the definition of confidence (prior to 1975) was "A Feeling or belief that someone can rely on, believe or count on or trust on someone or something." Confidence had nothing to do with the concept of self or self-reliance, which is a wide-spread understanding today. Confidence depended on "Certain of truth. [As in] Confident in a belief." For example, we ask Kingdom Ambassadors, the King's kids are called to walk with this belief: I am confident of WHO’s I am and What I can do w/Him inside me. I have a confident life of freedom, hope, and liberty because I have a deep assurance of my place in Christ Jesus.

    This resolute assurance, which is a strong and steadfast belief of our true identity as sons and daughters of the King, requires that we confront the conversations in our heads and aloud, as well. As we confront our internal and external talk, I am challenged to follow Philippians 4:8 with a new view. “So keep your thoughts [even about yourself] continually fixed on all that is authentic & real, honorable, and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, mericuly and kind. And fasten your thoughts on these things-- praying Him always.” Wow! That emphasis on including our own thoughts about ourselves really hits a cord, at least for me. My insides ask, "You mean I have to be nice to me? I have to make sure that I'm guarding what I say about myself? What I say about me really matters?" Yes! We know that out of the heart the mouth speaks (see Luke 6:45 & 1 peter 3:10). Words carry power. If we're declaring death words over our own self how are we to rise above the daily noise, the daily lies we face (see Prov 18:21)? We need to be steadfast people of confidence-- truly clinging with confidence to the ONE who made us, formed us, and knows our own hearts better than we do. On our hardest of days, we NEED to land back on the truth that Jesus is the Rock and His love for us or to us never changes; He chooses us day in and day out and His purposes and plans for our lives don't change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (see Hebrews 18:8). He is faithful and true. If I land my confidence on Him, I am safe (see Isaiah 26:3). My world is safe. I can be found at peace, knowing if He is for me nothing can truly be against me because He's already won over sin, death, and the grave! Hallejuhah!

    So what's the key? Eradicating negativity from our Spirits to take on our new confidence--our true identity. And how do I do that? Creating space for intimacy with the Father. As Kingdom people we need to Hear for Ourselves what God's word says (both in the Word and the Rhema Word) first; this is our fresh bread. THEN we can give away what we’ve been given. Like my husband often reminds me in our household of 6 teens and 1 toddler: "Remember: Gas mask for you first!" Just like the airline attendants remind us on the safety review presentation before a flight, make sure you can breath before you attempt to save anyone else. So, too, get the truth inside for you first, so that you have some to speak out, declare over situations, and share with others. 

    Acitivation: Spend time Soaking. Listening to His Voice. Meditating on the truth of God's word for you. Write declarations based on scripture that really act at pillars of
    truth that your Spirit can rest on. Declarations will stir up your spirit to cling to truth. And Worship the Father, Jesus, and friend Holy Spirit for who they are-- Holy, Righteous, Set Apart, Worthy of your affections and adoration...
    Listen to: 🎵 "This is How I Fight My Battles." Worship will help take you to a higher place in your thoughts, to rest yourself on the truth of Who God is, Who You are in Him, and How He wants to reveal Himself to you in this season.

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