Grab A Hold of the True YOU: An Embassy of God's Presence

YOU are an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God in your classroom, school, & community. 

Jesus is inviting you to hear His voice, His ideas, His leading even while you're planning lessons, teaching, and managing your classroom. You're the same person at church as you are in your public, private, or your home school classroom. The same Holy Spirit who lives inside of you when you're at home, out shopping, or pumping gas-- goes with you to school and He's wanting to partner with you because you are an Ambassador of Heaven!

Within us is the ability to release the power of God in our classrooms.

It all starts with knowing who we really are as sons and daughters of God. We’ve been designed for such a time as this to rewrite the face of education and leave behind a legacy that will have lasting fruit. So let's start by tranforming our thoughts about ourselves.

The Kingdom Educator engages with the truth of God's word and believes it with great faith. 

  • Our Kingdom Educator Mindset shifts us away from striving on our own into
    partnership with friend Holy Spirit who is the friend that never leaves us (John 14:16).
  • He's also the life giving river that fuels us. John 7:38 TPT says, "Believe in me so that rivers of living water will burtst out from within you, flowing from your innermost being, just like Scripture says!" The Holy Spirit is living and wants to burst out of us- from our innermmost being. What is He flowing with? Life! Jesus came and said, "I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through me" (John 14:6).
  • We're God's kids! And He's wanting to give us an inheritance-- His Kingdom! Ephesians 1:14 NLT says, "The Spirit is God's guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him." What a good reason to celebrate and praise Him, right?! 
  • The Holy Spirit is also our partner of power! Acts 1:8 tells us that the Holy Spirit comes upon us to be witnesses of Jesus across the face of the earth and Jesus himself said "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father" (John 14:12).

Are you believing you're here to pass the time 'til you get to heaven? 
Or are you here as an Ambassador of the King on assignment?

Do you believe God can use you? Do you believe He wants to empower you to accomplish His mission on the earth? He calls us His children. He calls us His ambassadors. But do you believe it? It's time to abide in the Truth and what the Word says. It's time to believe what it says rather than merely saying, "Yeah yeah..." It's time to decide that you're calling to the world of education isn't just for a paycheck or to tickle a dream you once hand. 

It's time to wake up to the reality that King Jesus himself put dreams and desires to see things happen in your classroom and in your school because it's on His heart and He's called you. God has given you the Holy Spirit as your partner to empower you with all you need to accomplish bringing His Kingdom to earth in and through you. He wants to use your position in the world of education to accomplish this. It's time to see yourself as chosen and annointed for your position, Kingdom Educator.

You are needed.

It's time to wake up and grab hold of the true you: an embassy of God's presence!

When you discover how to partner with God in your classroom, you’ll be stunned at how simple and yet how profound transformation can be. The result: greater productivity, energy, and impact. I'm excited to share more about this in my podcast, "Speaking Words of Life 4 Educators" coming out May 2, 2022.

So as you head out the door, get in your car, and start driving to work-- pause to invite the Holy Spirit to join you! Invite Him to speak to you, give you fresh ideas from Heaven, and don't forget to ask Him how He sees you and your students throughout the day! Expect to be surprised. Expect breakthroughs to happen. After all, we do serve the God of the Impossible and He's all about shifting our mindsets to land on Him and His Truth about us, His Kingdom Educators! He's so proud of you just because you're His Beloved.

Thank you for all you do to serve with a full heart in the world of education. You're changing lives everyday as you do the world's most important work!

Let's Speak Life,
Jesica Glover


"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19

If you enjoyed this devotional, please keep your eyes out for my new podcast "Speaking Words of Life 4 Educators" coming out May 2, 2022, my free webinar on 7 Lies that Teachers Face and the Truths that Change Their Impact... being sent out soon FREE to all my subscribers.

More to come... an online course on Kingdom Educator Identity... as well as The Hope-Filled Kingdom Educator 2022 5 Week Online Live Gathering, too! Don't miss out. Sign up here.

  To connect with Jesica Glover find her @speakingwordsoflife4educators on Instagram & FB, The Gathering Place for Christian Educators Private FB Group, or email 

 Her Books: Speaking Words of Life in Your Classroom and Kingdom Educator 30 Day Prayer Journal can be purchased on Amazon. 



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