You're a Carrier of the Kingdom of Heaven

It's Time! Fresh Revelation from Papa God's Heart for You & Your Call to Change the Course of History this School Year Your presence makes a difference because you carry LIGHT, Himself! Sons and Daughters of God, it's time to SHINE. Our Kingdom Inheritance In my last blog I talked about how we are sons and daughters of the King, King Jesus, if we call Him Lord and Savior. In the King's domain what He says goes; in other words, what He says is received as a mandate. We don't choose which scriptures we accept from the Bible or which we leave out. His word about us is our identity! That's actually really freeing because on some days none of us feels like "lights on a hill" but Jesus says we are and His words remind us that we carry His truth, His light inside of us no matter how we are feeling or what we are choosing to believe on a particular day. In other words, I know that my feelings don't always tell me the truth about my identity; only...