You're a Carrier of the Kingdom of Heaven
It's Time!
Fresh Revelation from Papa God's Heart for You & Your Call to Change the Course of History this School Year
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Your presence makes a difference because you carry LIGHT, Himself! Sons and Daughters of God, it's time to SHINE. |
Our Kingdom Inheritance
In my last blog I talked about how we are sons and daughters of the King, King Jesus, if we call Him Lord and Savior. In the King's domain what He says goes; in other words, what He says is received as a mandate. We don't choose which scriptures we accept from the Bible or which we leave out. His word about us is our identity! That's actually really freeing because on some days none of us feels like "lights on a hill" but Jesus says we are and His words remind us that we carry His truth, His light inside of us no matter how we are feeling or what we are choosing to believe on a particular day. In other words, I know that my feelings don't always tell me the truth about my identity; only His word does.
As a son or daughter of God in the Kingdom, we have an inheritance and it's heaven. You may be asking, "Why does this inheritance matter RIGHT NOW because I'm on the earth and I'm not going to heaven until I die?" Well, Jesus said in Luke 12:32 AMP "Do not be afraid and anxious, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give yout the kingdom." And in Matthew 16:19 NIV it says, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Binding and loosing are acts of authority.
And as ambassadors of heaven we are given the authoritative power to bind and loose "things" that do/don't belong to Heaven's truth, Heaven's reality. For instance, we know according to scripture that it's Father God's heart that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9) so we make active steps to "minister" salvation to the lost by sharing the Good News of Salvation both in our words, using scripture, and also ministering love through acts of service-- like serving someone a hot meal, giving them a warm coat, offering prayer, or leading someone to freedom (deliverance from tormenting lies, or spiritual forces).
We also know it's King Jesus' heart that all should be healed. God sent Jesus to take our pain and our physcial ailments upon himself when he died and in his resurrection he overcame death itself. So we know according to scripture that healing is in His wings (Malachi 4:2), He took captivity (death) captive (Ephesians 4:8 NIV), and that our pain and chastisement were placed on Jesus at the cross so that we'd be healed and saved of sin (Isaiah 53:5 ESV)! That's powerful! And now he's given us the keys to release the Kingdom-- salvation, healing, and deliverance all given through a revelation of the Father's heart of love.
In your world of education, you are Christ's ambassador.
You are his ambassador of light all the time; but in your classroom, your office, your school room-- wherever you serve in the world of education-- you are the ambassador representing Heaven itself to those you serve and relate. You hold the keys to loose life and bind the power of death in your sphere of influence!
It's your privelege to actively guard your space so that it's shielded from the onslaught of the lies of doubt, unbelief, fear, insecurity, low self-esteem, backbiting, dishonor... the list goes on. But you get the picture. You are the gatekeeper to Life, representing Jesus Himself in your sphere of influence. Whether you openly share the word of God in your position in education, or not (some of us have small doors for overtly sharing the Gospel), you do have the stamp of approval of the King and you bear his authority as his representative here on earth.
Know that King Jesus is proud of you and He releases you to bring His life, that's not tanted or jaded like the world; but to love freely, no strings attached.
Ask Him this week how you can share His heart of love with those you teach and relate to this week. You have authority to set the atmosphere (more to come in my next blog). You might be surprised to find that a little act love goes a long way in opening hearts to healing, deliverance, and truth. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He holds you.
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