Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

You know when you have one of those situations that you didn't plan for and you absolutely didn't want? In fact, you might have thought "that situation" would be a nightmare. But when "it" happens, what do you do? How do you think? How do you respond? I feel like these situations happen a lot in the world of teaching. It seems like we're constantly coming up against the unknown, or perhaps the dreaded. We have a moment where we're faced with a decision: Am I going to choose to agree with the lemon and go down the path of self-pity? ("I'm caught. I'm stuck. I don't know what to do here!") Which sends us spiraling downward into becoming a victim of circumstances... or even our callings. ("I can't do this! This is too hard. Why did God call me 'here'?) I'm certainly not pointing fingers. I've been there--in the downward spiral of self-pity, becoming the utlimate victim of my circumstances. My own negativ...