Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

You know when you have one of those situations that you didn't plan for and you absolutely didn't want?

In fact, you might have thought "that situation" would be a nightmare. But when "it" happens, what do you do? How do you think? How do you respond?

 I feel like these situations happen a lot in the world of teaching. 

It seems like we're constantly coming up against the unknown, or perhaps the dreaded. We have a moment where we're faced with a decision: Am I going to choose to agree with the lemon and go down the path of self-pity? ("I'm caught. I'm stuck. I don't know what to do here!") Which sends us spiraling downward into becoming a victim of circumstances... or even our callings. ("I can't do this! This is too hard. Why did God call me 'here'?) I'm certainly not pointing fingers. I've been there--in the downward spiral of self-pity, becoming the utlimate victim of my circumstances. My own negative thoughts ruling my outlook... becoming even worse when circumstances have looked far less than ideal.

Or... are we going to "Have another thought?" as Graham Cooke likes to say, when our thinking doesn't fall in line with God's heart for us (or the people who are part of our circumstances).

I feel like the Lord is saying, "Hey Ladies! Hey Gentleman! Hey Kingdom Educators! 
It's time to make Lemonade!" 

What does it mean to make Lemonade?

Right now where I'm at personally, making lemonade is choosing to engage with joy even in the midst of pain, sorrow, or even disapointment. Maybe regret has even tried to sneak in. But instead of choosing regret (a dear friend of self-pity) when you're faced with 'that' circumstance that triggers you, you say, "No. I'm not going down into the puddle of lack. Instead I'm going to move into abundance. I'm going to choose joy right now. Knowing that joy doesn't come from me. It comes from Jesus, my abundant supply." 

It says in Ephesians 1:21 that we've been seated in heavenly places "far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come" and He placed all things under His feet (1 Cor 15:27). And if we are in Christ, all of those things-- those problems, circumstances, disapointments, regrets... however you process them, they are all under the feet of Jesus-- and because you're in Him, they are actually under your feet, too! 

Today's challenge is to know that we have a choice. 

We have the choice to go down into the stinky pit of self-pity (lack mentality), or we have the choice to move up and sit in our rightful place-- Seated in Heavenly Places. We get to make a raw choice. It probably won't feel special. You probably won't have Holy Spirit goosebumps, but the choice in your mind breeds new actions, new responses that will build new neuropathways that help you respond as a victor more quickly next time!

And I don't mean the ultimate choice to overcome just comes out of no where-- you know the pat Bible answer. What I mean is asking the Holy Spirit to invade you so that you can work from an overflow, out of His presence, and out of His more than enough supply --so that you're lacking nothing. It's out of Him, out of the overflow from the throne of Jesus that you have everything you need for life and godliness and every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). And sometimes as we choose, we don't feel it. Most of the time I don't feel it. 

On a Personal Note... My Blended Life

I felt like God called me to get married late-- late in my mind, right?! And the Lord told me that he was going to bring someone into my life, but it took a few more years than I expected because I, probably like you, prefer the microwave faith response-- God you said.... so why hasn't it happend yet? Anyway, it took longer than I thought before I met Jake, and our life didn't look like what I thought. Side note: Sometimes promises look different in our brains than they actually look like in real-life 3D... especially when we wait a long time and create that "dreamy reality" right?! 

I found myself meeting this amazing man whom I really love, but the rubber hit the road quickly when I became an instant mom of 6 kids ages 7-12. I knew I was called to be a wife and a mother in this family, but I had to deal with my lack mentality. Even though I'd been teaching middle school and a little elementary for years, it was a whole other ballgame to raise children and (who are now) teens in my home 24/7. I've had to address my own victim mentality in my call to mother children who have needed from freedom from their own poverty, lack, and orphan mentalities, in addition to the life trauma's of divorce and living in two homes. I realized one or two years in, through the kind reminders of my sweet mentor, who happens to be my mother (carrying a huge heart to see people set free), that I have a choice and it's to move out of self-pity. I remember her saying to me one sleepless night, "Jesica self pity is eating you alive. Where you used to have joy, you have doubt. You need to renounce self-pity and engage with faith again. Jesus wants to restore your joy, the joy of your salvation that no one can steel and no circumstance can take from you. You get to choose." I've had to surrender over and over to the Lordship of Jesus. I've had to ask His forgiveness time and time again and renounce any agreements with self-pity, which is really a lack mentality. He's called me therefore He equips me for my whole calling-- motherhood, serving educators, my community, and also my work as an entrepreneur. The Holy Spirit fills me up. He leads me. He directs my steps. He has never, nor will He ever leave me. And God is always good, even if I don't feel good, or my circumstances don't look good. (I'm actually learning that when things don't look good-- lemons abound!!-- that's usually the BEST LANDING PAD for a miracle surprise to show up! God is so good about using all things for our good and His glory! -Romans 8:28).

                          What will you choose?

You have a choice to come before Papa God and say, "Hey I've been seeing the world thorugh the eyes of lemons. I've not been choosing to turn lemons into lemonade. I've become the victim of my own calling, my circumstanes, and/or my parenting." (Yes, we're teachers here, but we could be partnering with self-pity in all sorts of areas. And God wants to free us so we can walk in the abundance He's called us to.)

Being victorious as sons and daughters of the King means that we believe what the Word says about us. 

I am the head and not the tail. I am above and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13) "this"-this situation. This calling will not eat me alive because God has called me to live out of abundance-- His heavenly supply. God has called me to live out the reality that I've been given everything for life and godliness and every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:13). And when I need wisdom He says to ask because He doesn't withhold anything from those who ask according to His will and His purposes (James 1:5).  And Jeremiah 29:13 says, You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart." Those who want to find wisdom, dig for it ("It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings" Proverbs 25:2). They read books. They talk to mentors. They meet with people who have overcome, so they can overcome with the same powerful tools. 

So wherever you're at, Kingdom Educator: summer-break, teaching summer school, contemplating your position in the world of education, not sure if you're going to homeschool again... You have the oppotunity to choose life and life abundantly, today. You have the opportunity to choose joy! 

You can choose to make lemonade out lemons, instead of letting the lemons eat your life because you're in charge of what you think and how you respond.

I'm praying you to experience breakthoughs in partnership with Truth Himself (Jesus) and the empowering abundance of what the Holy Spirit has to impart to you in THIS SEASON. Know that you're the object of His affections. 


🥳 Let's Connect! Please email Jesica Glover to schedule a speaking engagement or connect with one of her Kingdom Educator platforms, or subscribe to her mailing list to hear about her latest events, Mindset Mondays, and recent blogposts.


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