Kingdom Educator Challenge
It’s not too late for it to be your best year yet!
Join us as we discover the Kingdom advantage we have
in the classroom!
Fellow educator Liesl Webber and I are hosting a 6 Day Kingdom Educator Challenge for Christian teachers across the country. We have a heart to come alongside educators to encourage and equip them. There is so much of our inheritance that goes untapped during the chaos of the school year. Our hope it to remind you that
you were never meant to do this alone.
This 6 day Challenge is packed with extra Bonuses including an original Kingdom Educator: 30 Day Prayer Journal. In addition you’ll be added to our community of passionate educators who are partnering with God to bring Kingdom to their unique spheres of influence.
Sponsor A Teacher!
Know a Teacher who could really benefit from this challenge? Sponsor a Teacher today by simply adding their email and your card. This challenge comes with several bonus features including an original Kingdom Educator: 30 Day Prayer Journal
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