Mom of Influence
What does it mean to be a Mom of Influence? I believe it’s to be a mom that speaks life-- calling out the gold, in each of your children, reversing any curses spoken over them by speaking the truth over their minds and hearts. Influencing through prayer, constant prayer. Asking Papa for wisdom to know how to raise them in general, how to respond, unlock wisdom from Heaven, correct, teach, inspire and even how to start praying. Being a mom of influence goes beyond the home, too. It’s being one who can share testimonies about what happens in your home that inspires others to want the same, breathes hope into hopeless places in the hearts of others and jumpstarts the expectancy in the places long (even for a moment!) taken over by despair. This all requires taking a breath and LOOKING at what is happening with my kids and not what is NOT happening. SEEING what God is doing in them and in me and not focusing on what any of us is not doing. It’s allowing Hope Himsel...