Mom of Influence

What does it mean to be a Mom of Influence? 

I believe it’s to be a mom that speaks life-- calling out the gold, in each of your children, reversing any
curses spoken over them by speaking the truth over their minds and hearts. Influencing through prayer,
constant prayer. Asking Papa for wisdom to know how to raise them in general, how to respond, unlock
wisdom from Heaven, correct, teach, inspire and even how to start praying. 

Being a mom of influence goes beyond the home, too.

It’s being one who can share testimonies about what happens in your home that inspires others to want
the same, breathes hope into hopeless places in the hearts of others and jumpstarts the expectancy in
the places long (even for a moment!) taken over by despair. This all requires taking a breath and
LOOKING at what is happening with my kids and not what is NOT happening. SEEING what God is
doing in them and in me and not focusing on what any of us is not doing. It’s allowing Hope Himself to
arise in me on the inside to stand up and say: 
“I know why I am here! I am an agent of change, an agent of mercy and I’ve been anointed to proclaim
good news to the poor, heal the broken hearted, announce freedom to all the captives, pardon all
prisoners, and announce the year of HIS grace! To reconcile my children to our Good Father, who has
brought destruction on our enemies, who bellows messages of joy instead of doom, who comforts all
who mourn and gives bouquets of roses instead of ashes. I’m to model what it means to have a praising
heart instead of a downcast view; to lift my head as an Oak of His Righteousness, because I am and
they are too. To be sure I am continuing to be planted by the power of His word and present as a tree
on display for his glory alone. I am to point my children to the reality that their inheritance is to rebuild
the old ruins, raise a new city out of the wreckage and to start over by taking the rubble left behind and
make it all new. As a Priest of God, an honored minister, I am to share with my kids that they are the
head and not the tail; that their rightful place is to have outsiders, unbelievers take care of the resources
the Lord God has given them to steward because He will place them in prominent positions to release
Heaven’s realities here on earth. (based on Isaiah 61 TPT) They will receive answers from Heaven’s
creativity that will solve today’s problems and be the answer those around them need as they call on
Papa who supplies all we have need of. He wants them to be influencers and they will be."

And what are the biggest influencers? 

The unspoken actions. The hugs that confront lies of being unlovable, unwanted or rejected, the body
language-response while listening to the comments of others, the encouragement given from a place of
hope instead of despair, the consistency of provision in meals, assistance with homework (reminders
even), showing concern for matters of hygiene and just plain old eye contact. 
The words of care. Reminders that I care that they have relationship with their mom. That I know I am
the step-mom but I love them like a mom and I care that they succeed, that they know who they really
are and I am willing to call them on the carpet when they aren’t behaving like who they really are.


Wow, does it matter! If my children don’t believe they are worth love how can they really receive a hug,
a gesture of kindness, a word of encouragement or even a bedtime tuck in? A mom who influences her
children won’t let these lies stand a chance! She will fight with the word in prayer, she will ask Holy Spirit
for ways to combat the lies through words, actions and challenging statements and conversations that
will percolate the lies out until they stay away because they’ve been replaced with the truth that my kids
are sons and daughters of the most high and the enemy is an already defeated foe who is lying to their
faces over and over in the same uncreative ways again and again. They will know that he likes to prey
on their weak points, their tired places, the rejected spaces of the past that the Father wants to bind up
and heal by placing them in the wounds of his side-- the place where the Blood speaks a better word
than able to heal, save and deliver. He is so good! He is the God of restoration, the God of better than
you think and the one that sets the lonely in families. Wow! Yes! Hallelujah!


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