Teacher Habits of Mind

Dear Thoughtful Educator: 
When it comes to transforming our minds, we’ve been told we need more discipline and willpower. ⁣
⁣This is the world’s lie because this approach leaves us defeated and ashamed every time. ⁣
We can’t fix ourselves on our own. We need spiritual strength, insight, and wisdom from heaven. 

When I began teaching I was like you I had a big vision for changing the world and within the first month of school I realized that the “job” was going to be a lot more complicated than I had dreamed. My colleagues were on the comparison train and I was the youngest and least worthy of a voice than any who had earned their right at the table.

But as I pressed into God’s vision for my school and my region, He began to unlock a whole new view of my role in education. He was teaching me who I was called to be, but I needed to make some changes first in my thinking about myself.

It was at this pivotal point that I chose to submit my mind and heart to the reality that I was truly who God said I am. Even in my public school classroom. Even while working with colleagues who didn’t always agree with or support me. I began to see that my authority in Christ was much more real than I’d realized. I could stand up against the lies that held me down about my effectiveness in the classroom and find real victory so that my influence had greater impact. 

It all came down to one powerful revelation: I am an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God as a teacher. And Jesus was inviting me to hear His voice, His ideas, His leading even while I planned lessons, taught, and management classroom. I was still a representative of God’s heart when I attended faculty meetings, professional development and also when I led other teachers. I was born to be thoughtful in the way I connect with God, partner with Him, and how I see others through His eyes 👀 -- responding with His heart.💗

If you know it’s your time to unleash your full potential as a Christian Teacher, then you’re invited to join us for our Teacher Devotional Series, Season 1 & 2! ⁣Take advantage of this time to renew your vision and recharge. Let these ready-made strategies that have proven effective remind you who you are in God and what you were made to do. 
👉   👉   👉  watch.kingdomeducators.com  👈  👈  👈

You’re more powerful than you realize!

Standing With You,
Jesica Glover & Liesl Webber
Kingdom Educator Hosts


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