How many days can I got without washing my hair?

Have you really every needed to think of this question?

If you’re a mom of small children, you know what I’m talking about. The moment you try to take a shower all hell breaks loose. The kids are crying about whatever and you realize that stepping into the shower is going to simply become more hassle than it’s truly worth. Plus there really won’t be time to shampoo And condition and use body wash. Shave your legs? You’ve got to be kidding, right?! I used to joke with other mom friends in the gym shower locker room that that was the best place to shave. We all agreed. Trying to keep the doors closed on my shower while I attempt to clean myself and my daughter roams the house, or rather stays real close to the shower while I am there just wishing to take a few moments to myself to refresh myself with nice smelling applications of soap and make myself feel pretty just by cleaning-- is anything but restful. Hence, the use of the gym shower! And the towel service is worth the whole $5 extra a month. I’m telling you moms: if you have childcare at your gym and a locker room shower, take 5 extra minutes to pack a shower bag and a lock to take full advantage of the complete make-over that could be yours! Workout + shower = all new delightful you! I’m not kidding! I’m serious. It will make your day better. Trust me.

I am learning, too, that the Father of my heart does want to fill me with new and clean words of life too-- just as that shower, we all long for washes all the goo from yesterday, last night and whatever breakfast mishaps covered your morning so far-- He wants to wash you, your mind and your body with the nourishment that only his written and His rhema words can accomplish. I love how Colossians 1:18-19 in the Passion Translation relays that it is Papa God’s delight to fill me with the fullness of himself! “He is the head of his body, which is the church. And since he is the beginning and the firstborn heir in resurrection, he is the most exalted One, holding first place in everything. For God is satisfied to have all his fullness dwelling in Christ.” He has filled me and He does sustain me, because I am seated in Christ in the heavenly places. I receive what Jesus gets from His Father, now my Good Father who has adopted me and adopted you-- if you’ve made and accepted him as Lord and Savior over your heart. I need to hear these words of life to meditate on this truth and not the unhelpful mental tape that reminds me that I’m tired, I have laundry piling up and a dinner for 12 to cook for the evening. Yes that may all be true but being reminded that I lack nothing in Christ because Papa is happy to put all the fullness of HImself in me, reminds me that I lack nothing! I have all things in Christ for LIFE and Godliness. I have what it takes to accomplish household chores, cook huge meals and take time for me to be renewed in my thinking so that I am daily reminded who I belong to and who I serve. Essentially I need to be reminded daily why I do this Mom gig. I belong to a History Maker who fills me with living Hope, who sustains me in all ways-- my body, emotions and my thoughts. I choose to believe what He says-- but his words have power to transform HOW I shower. So whether I’m showering unrestfully in the comfort of my own home, or choosing to refresh myself at the gym I still have the invitation to remind myself of the truth by letting my Good Father pour over me with His words of truth and life via the bible app, sitting down and reading my bible, listening to a podcast speaker I love. So be encouraged to shower today.


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