Finding Rest In God of the Breakthrough

"When you live a life of abandoned love, surrendered before the awe of God, here's what you'll experience: 
Abundant life. Continual protection. And complete satisfaction!" (Proverbs 19:23 TPT)

One of the most profound truths I'm embracing more deeply as "mom" of my big blended family is: 

God is my all-sufficient source of breakthrough. 

No amount of human encouragement, positive podcast listening, or sunny days can replace His voice spoken directly to my heart through His word and His Spirit. I need to hear Father God's song of pleasure over my heart, my life, and my circumstances to help me grab hold of the vision to push through for His promised breakthroughs for all 9 of the people under this roof, including myself.

He is my breakthrough to embrace the early morning with a hope-filled perspective when I've been up numberous times in the night with our 3 year old and all my flesh wants to do is go back to bed. He is my breakthrough of wisdom when our adopted twins are having meltdowns and I don't know what to do to love them into a place of healing. God is my breakthrough of grace when one of my teenage daughter's is being extra prickly and all I need to do is forgive her for her bad attitude so that I can continue to serve with compassion. Father God is my breakthrough of wise counsel and patience when our kids have broken one my prized possessions because they were playing pillow football in the house. I need His revelation wisdom to encourage, correct, discipline, and train my children alongside my husband. I need insight into God's heart and dreams for each of my children. God of the breakthrough, you are my source of light and life!

One of my modern heroes in the faith is Heidi Baker ( She has a heart for seeing the poorest of the poor experience the healing embrace of God. One of the phrases I"ve heard her speak repeatedly is about the fragrance of "our little love laid down" before Father God and how it's like sweet perfume that blesses his heart and honors his name. No matter where we are, she says there's a way to posture our hearts to worship Him, even if it's doing the dirtiest of jobs. This phrase of surrendering and serving my little love before the throne of Father God has resonated with me as a single person while dedicating myself to years of praying for breakthrough the cities where I've lived, taught public school, and also the nations where I've ministered. Now married and a mama to the "nations" (in my own home), I'm reminded that my "unseen" service is important to the One I love. He sees me and He knows my innermost being.

My heart's posture is important. 

What I choose to set my mind on each day will steer my heart's affections. I have the privelege of waking up in the morning and saying, "Good morning, Lord! Here I am your favorite one ready to be with you!" or I can grumble about how I slept poorly, or about how heavy today's "load" will feel. The choice of perspective is up to me.

God of the breakthrough is standing next to me, if I'll incline my heart's ear.  He's saying, "I'm right here. I am your strength. I supply your energy, your need for affirmation, the wisdom needed for ordering your day. I provide the grace to choose a thankful attitude today. Will you grab hold of me and my ways today?" It's in this moment of decision that I have to remember my love is small compared to His, but He sees me, and He rejoices over my one glance in His direction. He is proud of me no matter how small my affections are toward Him; He's just glad I'm posturing my heart to look on Him. Too seek His heart in the business of raising 6 teenagers and a toddler. He knows what I can become on the inside and what I can offer to the world partnered with His heart of extravagant love.


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