I AM Enthroned With Jesus In Power and Authority

My name is Paul and I have been chosen by Jesus Christ to be his apostle, by the calling and destined purpose of God. My colleague, Timothy, and I send this letter to all the holy believers who have been united to Jesus as beloved followers of the Messiah. May God, our true Father, release upon your lives the riches of his kind favor and heavenly peace through the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. (Colossians 1:1-2 TPT)

Like Paul, you have also been chosen by Jesus Christ to be his ambassador to a specific people for a purpose designed just for you! He knows your personality, your demeanor, your skill-set, your giftings, and what makes you come alive. He knows what you’re capable of doing when you partner with Him. You have been united with Jesus and as a result you have received everything He deserves: the love and affection of Father God, favor with men and with God, the indwelling of His Spirit (God’s dunamis power to perform signs, wonders and miracles-- John 14:12). God has also given you His peace. Peace in knowing who you belong to and who you are; peace to be YOU, the real you.

Today meditate on the fact that you’re chosen, you belong, and you’re highly favored by God and man. Expect the Holy Spirit to show up on your behalf and give you insight and wisdom from heaven. Expect Him to give you vision for the hardest situation you face today. You are loved. You are seen and you have been chosen to bring Heaven to Earth in your sphere of influence today. You’ve got this because you have the Source of time, energy and unlimited creativity available to you, the Beloved of God.

Excerpt from Day 8 from:
The Kingdom Educator 30 Day Journal 
By Jesica Glover and Liesl Webber (2020)


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