Think NEW

Isn't it funny how we focus on all that is NEW each January? It feels like it's a new era even though December 31st and January 1st are literally side by side. Our circumstances may even look the same, literally; but when the stroke of midnight arrives all is considered new. Like all that was connected to the previous year is now gone and we've moved through a window of opportunity to leap into all that is fresh, untouched, and maybe even NEW. Some jump for better health. Others look for ways to improve their finances. And many look to accomplishing things that they've put off-- projects, travel, physical feats, or even relationships. 

Have you ever stopped to think about how our thought-life truly impacts how we view "our" world? It's really our thinking that helps create the popular thought of NEWNESS that rings in each new year. Out with the old and in with new. Yes, we're all born with different lenses-- very often shaped by the attitudes and morals of those we grew up with (and those who we've been closest to over our lifetimes)... But what truly opens (or hinders) our view of what could be-- the dreams, hopes, and desires of our hearts that thrust into action the steps taken to get there? I truly believe the answers are found in our thought life.

This week I was doing some research on thought patterns. 

Did you know that our brains are actually pretty lazy and our thoughts will literally take the same route in our heads (much like a hot marble would travel through a chunk of cheese) because it's the route that's been built by repetition. By believing something we begin to build a "freeway," if you will in our brains for all other thoughts related to that same scenario to travel on. So when we approach situations that are somewhat related to another we've experience, we tend to think the same way as before. Kris Valloton was talking neuropathways on his Dec 2, 2020 podcast and used this very practical illustration that is useful here: 

"If you think, "Nobody loves me" and that's your 6-lane-highway and you say, 'Hi' to someone and they don't say, 'Hi' back, you naturally think 'they don't like me.' Why? Because there's a small very treacherous walking path to: 'They probably didn't hear me.' And there's a 6-lane-highway to 'I am not liked. Nobody likes me.' And I'm going to take the neuropathway that gets me to the easiest spot first. Are you with me?..." 

I like what Donald Miller says, "Our brains think using the least amount of energy. Your brain wants to use the least amount of energy to have a thought. Your brain is lazy and will take the fastest way possible.... the route that's paved is the route you take." [Excerpt from "Learning to Think" Dec. 2, 2020 on by Krist Vallotton]

How we view circumstances, what I deem as "my" world, is really governed by practiced thought patterns, or neuropathways that have turned into freeway systems! 

Can you see why taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ, is work (2 Cor 10:5b)? It's truly an intentional process, not just lip service. You have to build new freeways with the truth of God's word!! I believe that when we do the hard work of letting God's truth and His heart toward us sink in, that's when we change; that's when we begin to SEE ourselves how He does-- chosen, purposefully designed, fully loved, cherished, treasured, adored, wanted, set apart, kept, and needed for this time in history. And as a result the JOY of our salvation (Ps 51:12) becomes our reality because we recognize what God says about us is true and our spirit bears witness. This is when our thoughts start to jet off the beaten highway. They start to build new neuropathways. We're less offended by others because we're more stable in our own identy and calling. (It doesn't matter if someone doesn't matter if someone says, "Hi" back to us anymore. We know WHO's we are, and WHO we are!)

Another bi-product of rewiring our thougths to align with God's truth is a new flow of creativity! 

What educator doesn't need creativity to write lesson plans, utilize strategies that truly reach your students, speak words that cut straight to the heart, and solve problems that have gone on too long? Being connected to Jesus' heart for you is life-giving. In John 1, we're reminded that Jesus is the originator of all things. He is the originator of all creativity and if you call Jesus your Lord and Savior, you have the originator of all creativity living and breathing in you by His Holy Spirit! The Bible says you have rivers of living water flowing out of your belly (John 7:38)! That's the Holy Spirit. The river is the fruit of His Life flowing through you... you abound with ideas, answers, solutions, ....  He has placed within you and me Heaven's genius thinking. We are not held captive to unsolvable problems (including time shortage)! No we have all of Heaven's resources available to us through the person of Jesus! He is our song and our delight and literally all of our fountains (creativity, planning, use of time, relationship, how to solve problems, student management, organization... etc) come straight from his Throne Room. We are the branches hooked into Him, the True Vine (John 15:5). We need our God so much more than we realize, like the old song, "You are the air I breathe. Your holy presence living in me.Your very word spoken to me. And I am desperate for you..." We really ought to be seeking intimacy with God because that's where we find our real life. It's hidden in Him, in His presence, in His word.

This week spend some time paying attention to what you're thinking-- about "your world" and about your calling to the world of education. 

What neurological highways need to be diverted to cross paths with the truth of what God says about you:

"You're a carrier of My Kingdom reality! I am in you, and in me is the fountain of Life and life abundantly... which means you overflow with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. Everywhere you go, you carry me! So let me fill you so you overflow, and leak on all you come across in your workplace, the store, and the gas station... I want my realities to break out through you-- signs, wonders, and miracles that will loose chains and set others free."

Scripture to Cling To

"In the very beginning the Living Expression was already there. And the Living Expression was with God, yet fully God. 2They were together--face-to-face, in the very beginning. 3And through his creative inspiration this Living Expression made all things, for nothing has existence apart from him! 4Life came into being because of him, for his life is light for all humanity. 5And this Living Expression is the Light that burst through gloom-- the Light that darkness could not diminish!" John 1:1-5 TPT

"For the Light of Truth was about to come into the world and shine upon everyone. 10He entered into the very world he created, yet the world was unaware. 11He came to the very people he created--to those who should have recognized him, but they did not receive him. 12But those who embraced him and took hold of his name were given authority to become the children of God!13He was not born by the joining of human parents or from natural means, or by a man's desire, but he was born of God. 14And so the Living Expression became a man and lived among us! And we gazed upon the splendor of his glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father overlfowing with tender mercy and truth! 15John taught the truth about him when he announced to the people, 'He's the One! Set your hearts on him! I told you he would come after me, for he existed before I was even born.' 16And now out of his fulness we are fulfilled! And from him we receive grace heaped upon more grace! 17Moses gave us the Law, but Jesus, the Anounted One, unveils truth wrapped in tender mercy. 18No one has every gazed upon the fullness of God's splendor except the uniquely beloved Son, who is cherished by the Father and held close to his heart. Now he has unfolded to us teh full explanation of who God truly is!" John 1:9-18 TPT

What new thought do you need to captivate to see yourself and your position in education like God does?

What new thought do you need to captivate to see yourself and your position in education like God does?

If you'd like to connect further, find me on The Gathering Place for Christian Educators FB Group. I share live for 10 min every Monday 9:30am for "Mindset Monday." I can also be found on Words of Life FB Page.


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