Setting An Atmosphere for Heaven to Break Out

Grab hold of the True You: An Ambassador of Heaven

Some practical ways you can take up this privelege of setting an atmosphere for Heaven to reside in your classroom, office, or workroom

1. As Ambassadors of Heaven, we are those who set the atmosphere; we are not the thermometers. We are the thermostats.

Anoint the desks, tables, chairs, and doors etc and ask the Holy Spirit to wake up the hearts that use the workspaces to his presence, to his love, and his revelation of how he delights in each one just because he made them 

Pray over your teaching space, the hallways, office... take "prayer walks" by tuning your ear to the voice of the Holy Spirit as you run daily errands around the building. And set aside specific prayer walking times, too, with other Believers in your building to invite Jesus to invade the atmophere, show you what He's up to, ask for wisdom from Heaven for your administrators, district leaders, teachers, and those who design curriculum. Invite Friend Holy Spirit to touch lives, heal hearts, and draw all men to Himself-- students, teachers, admin, parents... pray for your city to be transformed by the loving power of Jesus that goes out from your school!

Cultivate truth about your student's God-given identity through your classroom management structure, the curriculum, and activities you design for your classroom of students. Ask the Holy Spirit each morning what He sees in your students. Keep a journal. He's in the business of healing and mending hearts. He's the God of restoration so He's focused on working on more than what you're mandated to teach. As you open your heart to see what God's up to in your students, you release your senses to engage with the heart-beat of Heaven. You may see a picture, a word, or an impression that reminds you of a student. Pray into that! Ask the Lord how to call out the "gold" in what He's showing you about that student in the way you speak to him/her, redirect them, or even publically acknowledge. Heaven isn't lacking creativity! There's a limitless supply of creativity when it comes to the ways Papa God wants to honor, bless, and call up His kids into their true identity. And they don't have to be Believers to hear what He's saying.

Another way you can provide space for Heaven to reside in your classroom, is by setting up music that is Holy Spirit inspired. It can be wordless, but when it's annointed by God's presence the children feel God's touch. Watch them! The tensions break off. Fear dies. And they engage with a greater peace than many have known. They may even ask you about what they are feeling; or perhaps your music becomes what they ask to listen to during certain subjects or times of day. Ask Friend Holy Spirit when to play the music, what to play, and how to use it to provide space for your students to feel God's touch. It will minister to their spirits.

“I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do--even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father! 13For I will do whatever you ask me to do when you ask me in my name. And that is how the Son will show what the Father is really like and bring glory to him. 14Ask me anything in my name, and I will do it for you.”

John 14:12-14 TPT

Lastly, consider how you decorate your classroom! What's on the walls that calls out truth in student's identity? What helps them redirect negative thoughts? Does God have an idea you've never thought of before that would open up a big conversation to draw hearts to Himself and what He's wanting to do in and through you and your students this year? Ask Him! You've got a friend closer than a brother who loves you and is so proud of your intentionality to serve Him and work with Him to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth!

2. As Ambassadors of Heaven, We are ministers of reconciliation. 

Ask Papa God for specific words of knowledge for your students and coworkers throughout the day and listen as you go to what he says. Be a releaser of words of life in due season that breathe life over bones. This is the work of an Ambassador of Christ; being a minister of reconciliation. Reconciling the heart of men to the Father through love, practical service, acceptance, and joy. 

It's our privilege as ministers of reconciliation-- drawing all men to the Father--to INTENTIONALLY Model Kingdom Principles like forgiveness, admitting fault, walking in humility, and asking for forgiveness. We have the opportunity as educators to train our children how to cultivate clean hearts-- honesty, and keeping our hearts clear toward others is a huge step into the area of freedom from oppression. Helping our students deal with hurts, pains, and regrets is a powerful ministry and forgiveness and admitting fault and asking for forgiveness are simple tools to help them step into more of their God-given identity and freedom.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone, the new is here!
18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 

2 Cor 5:17-20 NIV

3. As Ambassadors of Heaven, we are joy carriers. 

Celebrate and honor your students and staff. This is a breathe of fresh air to many who only hear negative feedback from parents and colleagues and maybe even their own voices in their head. Your job is never about performing but about being His Beloved. He delights in you and each of your colleagues and students. He will show you how to see each one as he does and it will make loving and honoring them easier. (especially the harder ones) :)Honor… biblical principles

What does it mean to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth?

It is a privilege to partner with friend Holy Spirit! We get to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth by saying what he says-- releasing Words of truth over our students, collegagues and administrators. How do you feel when someone affirms you, calling you into the who you really are? It often comes as a reminder that lifts you up and brings a smile to your face! Let's press into God's heart for what he sees and says about our students, colleagues, and administrators. They need to hear truth. You'll find as you release a word of truth, or Word of Life, you will feel your own spirit coming alive! You were meant to share truth, be a bearer of truth, and to bring it with great joy! Truth is our bedrock-- Jesus wants to leak out of you!

As a bearer of God's goodness and glory, you are backed by Papa God; you have protection, insight, and wisdom from Heaven wherever you go and whatever you put your hands to. What can stand in your way?

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” 

Romans 8:31

Mindset: You carry the backing and authority of Heaven...all other powers must submit to Jesus in you, they must bow.


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