Thoughtful Thursday

 This morning I took a PAUSE. 

Yes, I was that Mom in her car with the music cranked up. Eyes closed. No kids in the car. Shoulders dropping. Heart engaged. Reengaging with the One who called me to be "here" right now at this point in HIStory.

Sometimes we just need to BREATHE and remember, recenter our heart's affections, to SEE what Jesus sees... to celebrate the breakthroughs inside yourself and also what He's doing in and through you to bring breakthrough in the lives of others. Remembering to PAUSE to remember. To give thanks! To continue to surrender to His heart for YOU, and then those you're called to love and serve is paramount to being people of purpose.  

Do you need to hit PAUSE to the noise? The noise in your head. The noise of the voices around you. The noise of the NEWS. 

Do you need to hit PAUSE on the busyness? Do you need to slow down and PAUSE to turn-up the Rest on the INSIDE with a PAUSE for your own heart health? 

What do you need to surrender today to your SOURCE (Jesus), who's never tired, doesn't sleep, and doesn't lack any solutions to your problems? What truths do you need to reengage with today?

Getting Real...

One thing I'm celebrating is the victory of calling out the gold in one of my kids when he was very disrespectful. After having ample time to cool down, he was ready to receive what God was showing me to "call out" in him... he apologized from his heart (not out of obligation). He fulfilled his "punishment" of writing out truth declarations with a positive tone. He told me he learned that he was loved, he didn't have to strive to be accepted and he knew I was for him. Yes, Jesus! This is huge! He's been more receptive to me interacting with him with him in general and has been softer to my redirecting him. 

I'm surrendering the daily grind of having LOTS of teens home over summer break with all their sports and work schedules... the cooking and the cleaning. The training. It's an investment that's worth if IF I partner with Jesus and work out of His strength, not my own.

I am reengaging with the truth that my Savior is with me all the time. He's my champion, my provider, my victory, my healer, my redeemer, my joy... what do I need? He's here to deliver. 


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