Open Up & Let the Light In!

God of the Breakthrough Is At Hand.

Are you seeing His Light Breaking Through? 

It's time to partner with Friend Holy Spirit to Open the Windows. 

Not only has "Let The Light In" by Cody Carnes been on my daughter's top two favorite songlist for the past 2 weeks, so we've been jamming to it at least 2x a day, but it's also been coming to the forefront of my mind each day. Cool thing: It's teaching me the power of Our Great Light. 

Let The Light In Lyrics:

It's time for the sleeper to wake.
It's time for the old winds to change
It's hear the Spirit say, "It's time"
It's time for the dead man to rise
It's time for the great light to shine
I hear the Spirit say, "It's time"
Fling wide, you heavenly gates
Let the King of glory in (x2)
Come ride on Your people's praise
Let the King of glory in (x2)

I'm a full proponant of listening to the Holy Spirit because the Word says that when "he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future" (John 16:13 NLT). The Holy Spirit illuminates the truth He hears from the Father to us. Each morning as I wake I say, "Good Morning, Holy Spirit!" and I ask Him to come guide me into all truth so I'm not at all suprised He's brought this song to mind. He's using it to illuminate that His nature is Light and Life and in this reality there is also strategy to overcome the devil's destructive plans.

John 1:1-4 TPT says, "In the very beginning the Living Expression was already there. And the Living Expression was with God, yet fully God. 2They were together--face-to-face, in the very beginning. 3And through his creative inspiration this Living Expression made all things, for nothing has existence apart from him! 4Life came into being because of him, for his life is light for all humanity."

The very presence of Jesus Christ--"the eternal Word, the creative Word, and the Word made visible" according to the TPT notes, existed in the beginning before anything was created. And Christ (the Living Expression) had full participation with the Father in creation itself.  Father God and Jesus were together-- face-to-face in the very beginning and it was God's creative inspiration that caused Jesus to make all things. (That's fun to think about-- Jesus and the Father creating together... to imagine their excitement in creating the world and all it's inhabitants... including man-- made in their own image!) In fact, NOTHING has existence apart from Jesus! All life came into being and still comes into being because of Jesus. It's the life of Jesus that's light for all humanity. His light gives us life.

Pause for just a second. We don't exist without Him. We can't breathe without Jesus' creative light-life in us. This means that even if our own kids, or our friends, or family members aren't walking with Jesus, they still exist because of his light-life. They are here because of His creative work that calls them into being. His life-light is keeping them alive right now. I don't know about you, but this is mind-blowing and powerfully encouraging all at once! To think about these that we love who don't yet know our God personally, who are maybe even rejecting Him, and yet the truth remains the Jesus' light-life is actually keeping them alive. He is working on their behalf. He's sustaining their every breath. He is at work in them. He's close!

                                                The Song

My children all need to really know Jesus. They know about Him. They confessed His name at one point in time. They were even baptized before I became the Blended Family Mama. But they need to know His Heart. If they could just feel His love and hear His voice beckoning them home into His heart, I believe that would mark them and change the course of their trajectory in life. I'm contending for this breakthrough. Can you relate?

Cody Carnes' song speaks to and raises a deeper cry as an expression of my heart that my kids know Jesus like I know Jesus. "Even deeper still!".... that they wouldn't just know about Him, but experience His great big heart of love for them individually. To know that His love breaks all the hurts and pains. And that Jesus' blood is the only thing that will make them feel clean and new. I want my ceiling (everywhere I've been with Jesus spiritually) to be their floor! You better believe it. So when I declare truth over them as I pray, "Let The Light In" comes to my heart because it calls their eyes-- the windows of the soul-- to fling wide and let the King of glory in. Because what does the King do? King Jesus sheds His creative light onto the soul and wakes us all up to WHO God really is (breaking lies we've believed about God himself, Jesus, & friend Holy Spirit) and it also exposes our need for Him. We all want this as believers and I especially want this illumination for my children and my unbelieving family and friends.

We want the Light to Shine in!

He draws us with His kindness. Oh it's the kindness of God that leads us to repentence (Romans 2:4)! Haven't you experienced this, too? Friend Holy Spirit is so good about gently exposing the little foxes in our lives (Song of Songs 2:15) that try to hinder our relationship with God-- rather, our choosing to fully surrender our own hearts to God. He's so good at His job, I don't need to stand in the gap for Him. Ha! All I have to do is invite Him to come wake up my kids.

"Open their eyes Jesus, that ____(names)______ would wake up to your truth! Expose lies and set them free by the blood of Jesus!"

Then we remain in partnership with the Creator Himself, moving only with His heartbeat as we pray and see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

Pslam 27:5-6 "You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit; you give me all I can drink of you until my heart overflows. 6So why would I fear the future? For your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I'll return to your glorious presence to be foreever with you!

Next time the enemy tries to get you off down the path of worry and doubt, thank Jesus for His creative light-life that sustains your breath (and those you're contending for). He's moving on your behalf. Your praise will raise your faith and your expectation that breakthrough is not only possible, but it's within reach because all of heaven stands behind you as a Beloved One of the King!

Let's Connect!

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                                                     Books written by Jesica L. Glover available on Amazon.


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