Dreaming with the What ifs of God

Dreaming With the What if's of God: 

Believing God's promises when the odds are stacking up  


What if you're better than I've thought, better than I've drempt all along? 

What if all my disapointments, my tears, and my anguish disappeared when I woke up to the reality of your overwhelming goodness? 

What if you're incredibly kind and patient and all this time you've been aligning a "royal-settup" that will literally blow my mind and grab the depths of my heart?

I'm banking on the wild outcome-- a God outcome.  I'm dreaming with the What if's of God.

I'm believing that my "YES!" to hope's invitation will result in a bigger breakthrough than I've ever imagined. And in the waiting-- this in-between space-- of hearing and knowing the truth,             and not seeing any possibility of that outcome-- the place where my faith has to engage, or I fall of the hope train... In this space, I am forging new depths based on God's truth. I'm realizing that though my present reality doesn't reflect the promise, yet, it Will. 

And it'll be better than I dreamed; better than I imagined. 

I'm banking on the wild outcome-- a God outcome.

Declarations I'm holding onto in this in-between space:

"I may be in lack, but I am a prosperous person. Healing may not have manifested [yet], but I am healed and bring healing to others."

"I don't deny my experience, I just don't create my identity from it. I may need help from others concerning the failure, but I resist the temptation to make negative conclusions from it."

"I will not passively rely on my experience to identify who I am [and who God is] because I will greatly limit God in my life."

"I will seize these crucial moments of waiting, failure, disapointment, the tension, by taking thoughts captive because in doing so I will powerfully break down restrictive strongholds and enter into my promised land."

"I will rejoice in apparent times of failure. These are crucial moments in my life. I am who the Bible says I am."

(Quotes borrowed from Igniting Faith in 40 Days by Steve and Wendy Backlund)

I am holding onto the truth that God is faithful and true. He is not a man that he should lie.

I'm banking on the wild outcome-- a God outcome.


Let's Connect!

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Books written by Jesica L. Glover available on Amazon.


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