You're Called. You Don't Need Approval

"If you're there it's your ministry. You're anointed. You're called and you don't need approval. God qualifies you!" 

-Ambra Benjamin, Leader in Business (Seattle, Washington)

This past weekend I had the privelege of a attending an influencial women's conference. During the afternoon they hosted a number of influencers from the Seattle area in a TED Talk style panel presentation. Two of the speakers really stood out to me: Ambra Benjamin and Cheney McGowan. Both women are powerful in their different spheres of influence--Business and Community. I found several nuggets of encouragement and wisdom that I hope may also lift you up today as you go about being purposeful in your day-to-day in the area of family and Education.

Remember your "job" is just your vehicle for being salt and light to those around you. 

You have the privelege today of walking in what you already have-- skills, talents, and abilities to help and lift up the people around you. Remember it is your role to pull out in the gold in those around you-- whether it's your children, your coworkers, or strangers you bump into on the street. It is our job to know those who live and work around us. If we don't know them, we're not being fully who we are-- change agents in our family, schools, and neighborhoods.

God will give you favor and strategy wherever you go. 

All you need to do is "bloom where you're planted" (Cheney). You just need to be you. Be real. Be authentic and people will gravitate toward you. People who need a friend, a should to lean on, or a hand to hold will be drawn to you and you will have opportunities to love them where they are at without an agenda. That's exactly what Jesus would do; love with no strings attached. In Matthew 5 we're called to be salty, to preserve truth and righteousness. So show up. Just BE THERE. REmember Nonbelievers don't believe. So don't get offended when they don't speak or act like you think they should. Here's a great quote to remember from Todd White "Give up your right to be offended." Wow. That's real and sharp. Something we can all work on, but so very important as we invest in the people we come into contact with every day.

For those of us working in the public sphere-- whether it's business, public education, or we're just out and and about with other's who may not believe in Jesus-- Ambra had some tips for listening and offering a word in due season. After listening well during a conversation, interview, review, counseling appointment, coaching session...etc you could use these sentence starters to activitate a heart conversation:
(1) Do you really want to hear what I think about this?
(2) I have controversial ideas about this. Would you give me permission to speak into this situation?
(3) Can I have persmision to speak out the corporate/business/education norm into this situation?
Also, remember it's not against the law to encourage people in the public sphere with scripture! You can use words of wisdom without addresses. Remember the word is powerful and it plants the truth of God which is irrevocable! The Word is sharper than any two-edged sword, dividing between soul and spirit, bone and marrow. It will cut through confusion, lies, and division. Use it! Don't be afraid.

Lastly, I thought it was a good reminder to keep investing in people even when you don't see a return. We have no idea what God is doing in their hearts or minds; he has called us to love and leave the results to Him. All we need to do is be a catalyst of God's goodness, His kindness, and His love and He will take full responsibility for the results.

So today, be free to be amazing YOU-- fully anointed, fully called and fully equipped through the work of Jesus to purposefully influence the lives of those you bump into each and everyday. I'm on this exciting journey with you. We are change-agents bringing life and light wherever we go.

P.S. If you know of any Kingdom Educators who need some encouragement, have them check-out our upcoming Kingdom Educator's Challenge for $12, Feb 17-22 on FB!


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