Transitioning INTO Peace

This is a blog entry from 2 years ago...
It's exciting to look back and see the progress I've made with the Father about how I see myself and also how I view the NOW moments of motherhood, and the importance of my role as a mother to my children-- both chosen and bio. This entry also helps me to pause, even now, to remember that the intentionality of my thoughts is a learned habit.

That's why we are reminded by Paul in in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to purposefully "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." I have to make the active and intentional choice to reject the thoughts that object to God's truth about my identity, my call, my purposefulness as a mom and as an educator. I also need to demolish thought patterns that say my children won't change, my relationship with them will never breakthough their hard protective heart-shells. I need to take captive lies that say my husband isn't for me or my marriage won't really accomplish what we both dream is our "together" call for the Kingdom... I have to own my thoughts; not just willy-nilly accept every thing that "comes to me". I have to guard them! My thoughts are important as they steer my words and my actions and I want to abide in the truth and purposes of God so that I see His complete breakthrough for me, my husband, all my children, and those I serve.

Let's guard our thoughts and land back in His Love for us and what Jesus says about our intentional "Yes!" to serve Him while serving our families or serving our students. God will be faithful to complete every good thing He's begun in us (Phillipians 1:6).
June 16, 2018
Today I sense a transition into peace. My mind is rattling with many thoughts... thoughts of gratefulness and hope.

I am thankful because my mind has strayed far off down dark alleys in the past week and I’ve wondered how to return to
the light of God's truth-- His perspective of me and my surroundings. Today I want to embrace His perspective of how to do the day, how to think about the moments that sometimes go on and on in a monotonous dance. It's so funny to me how time seems like it go goes on forever and yet it seems that we don't have much of it for the things that really matter:

  • time to listen to the Father
  • time to connect with husband-- both in uninterrupted conversation or just sitting near each other
  • time to have uninterrupted conversation with my Washington family
  • time to connect on a quality level with other mom-friends
  • time to connect with our older kids, in the midst of attending to the "needy" younger ones.

Thank you, God, that in you there is no lack. And becuase I am in you, I lack no good thing (Psalm 84:11). I am filled with all I need for life and godliness and every spiritual blessing in Christ (1 Peter 1:3). In you have strength and enough grace for THIS day. One day at a time you show me how to be, how to live, how to speak, how to act, and what to say.

I choose to move back into the space of quieting myself to listen to your voice that can be hard to recognize above the noice of my own thoughts and often the chaos in the air of my home-- both physical and spiritual. Teach me how to see myself as an atmosphere shifter. I am in charge of how healthy my home’s atmosphere is-- the tone, the feel, the amount of LIGHT released or held back-- the words spoken from my mouth, what I both meditate and what I declare-- it all impacts my home and my family. I want to cooperate with you and speak out your truth over my kids and my husband. I want to see them as you do, Papa. Give me your eyes to see and ears to hear Father. 

I need YOU now. 

I need your love to wash over ME so I can see with your perspective.


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