Family Feature Spotlight: Hope

Beautiful Hope Darwine Glover

Expectant Hope Darwine came bounding into my life August 2014 as a bright eyed 11 year old all-the-frills GIRL. She was (and still is) all about the beautiful feminine side of life- "the complete outfit," the make-up, the hair, preparing the party plan, the grand entrance... and leaving for "a night on the town" with her friends... still is, and I love that about her! Upon first meeting, Hope compared me to a famous model, which of course made me feel fabulous and ready to accept this expectant child's fantasy of having a beauty queen for a Bonus Mom the following year. I could do wrong with this girl; she was elated her dad was smiling again-- ear to ear. Literally.

Although the transition in our relationship when we officially became related, didn't go as I'd dreamed, this determined young woman's name reminds me everyday of the One who is after our heart's affections (whether we are ready to receive His Love, or not), and welcomes us home into His Heart, a place of refuge and rest. Each of us is becoming a living, breathing "House of Miracles!" because we have access to hope Himself.

This beautiful treasure is nearly 17... her smile lights up a room, her laugh is contagious, and her words are weighty. She's deeply heartfelt, and when she writes something down for you, treasure it-- because it will be like gold in your treasure chest. Hope has DREAMS of changing the lives of other Haitian children, just like her, who need to find the loving arms of new parents-- who will provide a secure place of rest, safety, and unrelenting love. She's using her current education and her job as a springboard to build the muscles and tenacity she needs to launch into a world full of possibilities and challenges. When she sets her mind to something, there's no going back! Hope fiercely protects that which she holds dearest-- her family and friends. She's infused with great purpose and destiny. Watching her begin to spread her wings is one of the greatest joys in this season.

It is a sheer honor to be able to call this Beautiful Treasure: "My Daughter."

I love you Hope Glover. I always will.
You are an atmosphere shifter and world changer wherever you go!


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