Family Feature Focus: Joshua

This young man has a great deal of passion... 

Passion for what he feels is right. 

Passion to promote justice. 

Passion to protect what he deems valuable.

Passion to be the BEST.

Passion to have a rewarding future. 

Passion to employ his industrious and entrepreneurial self. 

Joshua is our curious son. He always wants to know more. How does that work? How do you make that? Why did you decide ____?  Sometimes these questions seem like he's prying, but there's a genuine desire to learn in this young man. He likes research... especially about sports and the daily news reel. Joshua can be caught talking with the adults we have over for dinner just because he likes learning about others' lives.

He has a contagious laugh! Probably one of my favorite things about him. You cannot hold back a smile when this young man explodes with laughter! He's got the best smile and when he genuinely laughs at something sincerely funny, he lights up a room! (We often all end up exploding with laughter at the dinner table when Josh roars with joy!)

This almost-14-year-old isn't quiet... he and his twin brother can be found tapping, dancing, singing lyrics to their favorite songs, or randomly blurting funky sounds wherever they go... which sometimes costs them pushups or outdoor time, but it's definitely a trait that could come in handy when entertaining others... as long as they WANT to be awaken early or don't mind an absence of quiet. LOL! Cross-country, wrestling, and track are perfect for keeping this "mover" busy. We're so proud of his debut in all 3 sports this year-- even COVID-style. It's a joy to cheer for, Josh!

Joshua, you are a gift to me as my Bonus son. I really enjoy connecting with you about issues that touch your heart, hearing about your day, how your heart is processing situations, laughing and cooking new treats together. You have matured a great deal in the past 2 years... and it's so fun to watch you becoming a honorable, kind, and caring young man who is bound to influence nations, and call people up into their real "places"-- walking more fully into their purpose and destiny, as CHOSEN ONES. 

"Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commended you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:7-9

#youareloved #chosen #handcrafted #wakingup #bebrave #becourageous #standout #bethechange #worldchanger #wordsoflife #speaktruth 


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