Family Feature Spotlight: Joe Cool Glover

Joe is incredible. 

Not only is he a "smart" looking dude, but he also has smarts, too. He's the one who can find the thing that's lost when no one else can. He's the one who will find the loophole in every direction given... every knot... He will find the way out. And he will make it known. Some call this a flaw... but there's always a redemptive quality to every character trait. Joe will most likely be a lawyer or a detective. Right now he's sold on the detective idea. 

Seriously this kid has guts. Character. Pride. He's a fighter. An overcomer. He says what no one else is comfortable saying. And it won't be quiet. He asks what others are afraid to address. Sometimes it gets him into some deep trouble. Other times Joe being Joe is literally a sign and wonder of his namesake. One who's been at the bottom but is working his way to make it to the top. Like Joseph in the Bible this kid has dug himself some deep holes... maybe he hasn't been thrown into a well by his siblings and then been sold to the Egyptians as a slave... but I know there's been times his older siblings been tempted. The cool thing... the redemptive piece of Joseph of the Bible's story is that he had a lot of favor on his life-- but it was won over years of faithful service. In Potipher's home. Then in prison. Joseph made a way for his family to live through an intense famine because God gave him strategy from heaven to save the Egyptians and also his family-- Jacob's family, Israel. I'm expectant that Joe Glover is going to be a redeemer of sorts for those in his life who are lost or hurting. He has influential leadership qualities that have the power to bring great change in the lives of those he touches. He is truly a world-changer and an atmosphere shifter wherever he goes.

My favorite part of my relationship with Joe is his desire to connect. Joe loves to know he's loved. Though he may shrug off hugs or pretend he doesn't care when called up into his TRUE IDENTITY, I know he receives every drop of truthful praise. He likes talking with me about heart matters, his faith questions, and has also begun to cross over into that glorious teen season when he asks others how they are... 

Joe, you are becoming a respectful, well-mannered, heartfelt young man who is reputable for your growing humility to admit your faults, while also embracing true justice for yourself and those you love. I am proud of you my dear Bonus son. Your sticky notes and little gifts over the years expressing your love and appreciation for me are carefully treasured in my drawer and bring tears to my eyes when I see them. They represent God's affection for me, for our family, for His faithfulness to melt us all together-- by His hand alone. After all He is the God of redemption, reconciliation, and restoration. You are an incredible young man full of God's overcoming life and His affection. There is so much promise written across the pages of your life Son! Keep pressing forward. The best is yet to come, Joe, and your cheerleading section will always include my applause. I love you dearly, Joseph Glover. 


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