Family Feature Spotlight: Isaac


Issac: My Oldest Bonus-Son

Isaac literally waltzed into my life-- a goofy, awkward, excited-to-have-another "mom" in his life nearly 12 year old boy... even now at 18 1/2, he still loves to tell me all about his latest musings... whether it's about Star Wars, his video game, the ins & outs of building a plane, fixing a car, or his latest science fiction read. Connection & quality time are treasures to this young man. His youngest sis is his favorite playmate-- and he gladly plays house with her, builds legos, and pridefully invites her sit in his truck. 

As a senior there are lots of challenges to maneuvering the "home" and "grown" connection-- especially still having one foot in high school and the other in a plane mechanic tech school program... but Isaac is really taking to his new freedoms with pride, responsibility, and a new fervor that is truly a joy to see! As our oldest... we're learning so much in this transition into "adulthood" and it's so encouraging to see Isaac start to spread his wings... and have more mature language to process all the growing-up. It's a joy to have him come home and say, "It's good to be here."

In the Hebrew this young man's name means "he will laugh, he will rejoice!" and I believe Isaac has just barely shifted into the wide expanse of the joy God has placed within him just because of the promise his life holds as protector of his family, a teacher, and a provider. He's lived through a significant amount of transitions for someone who finds change difficult, but he's become an Overcomer through each phase. 

Isaac's tender heart sees the needs of others and he actively looks for ways he can love well to meet those needs... sometimes to his own expense, but he's learning how to discern what's his and what's not. (Aren't we all?) We've been through a lot of challenges together in our 6 years as a blended family-- but it's always been Isaac who's stopped to give a hug and offer a solution. I know this tenderness will be used for significant things. Isaac has a great destiny written all over his life! And I'm excited to have a front row seat to his joy-filled life... and I want to join in on all the rejoicing to come! First stop-- Graduation in May 2021. 

We are so proud of you, Isaac. You are a man of integrity, kindness, and a deep loyalty to all you hold dear. I love you and am proud to be your Bonus Mom.


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