
Showing posts from February, 2020

Grab Hold of the True You: Representative of Heaven

Teacher, you are a conduit of God's Goodness  We are Ambassadors You are an ambassador of Heaven sent to establish His Kingdom wherever you have influence.   A  significant mentor in my life from the Seattle area, Andre Benjamin, spoke some life-changing truths into my heart as a young teacher. He'd remind me, "Y ou are an apostle, an evangelist, a pastor, a teacher, and a prophet as a Teacher." You need to declare the truth of God's word, what He says about who you are in Christ Jesus, over yourself daily. Take communion with Jesus daily to remind yourself that you're anointed to do the works of Jesus-- and that you're covered by His blood and His authority as you go about planning, writing curriculum, relating and redirecting students, teaching, conducting conferences and working with colleagues. You have a voice and it matters in the courts of Heaven and also on the earth because God has placed His favor upon your life and your position. He sees you and...

I AM Enthroned With Jesus In Power and Authority

My name is Paul and I have been chosen by Jesus Christ to be his apostle, by the calling and destined purpose of God. My colleague, Timothy, and I send this letter to all the holy believers who have been united to Jesus as beloved followers of the Messiah. May God, our true Father, release upon your lives the riches of his kind favor and heavenly peace through the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One.  (Colossians 1:1-2 TPT) Like Paul, you have also been chosen by Jesus Christ to be his ambassador to a specific people for a purpose designed just for you!  He knows your personality, your demeanor, your skill-set, your giftings, and what makes you come alive. He knows what you’re capable of doing when you partner with Him. You have been united with Jesus and as a result you have received everything He deserves: the love and affection of Father God, favor with men and with God, the indwelling of His Spirit (God’s dunamis power to perform signs, wonders and miracles-- John 14:12). God ha...

You're Called. You Don't Need Approval

"If you're there it's your ministry. You're anointed. You're called and you don't need approval. God qualifies you!"  -Ambra Benjamin, Leader in Business (Seattle, Washington) This past weekend I had the privelege of a attending an influencial women's conference. During the afternoon they hosted a number of influencers from the Seattle area in a TED Talk style panel presentation. Two of the speakers really stood out to me: Ambra Benjamin and Cheney McGowan. Both women are powerful in their different spheres of influence--Business and Community. I found several nuggets of encouragement and wisdom that I hope may also lift you up today as you go about being purposeful in your day-to-day in the area of family and Education. Remember your "job" is just your vehicle for being salt and light to those around you.  You have the privelege today of walking in what you already have-- skills, talents, and abilities to help and lift up the people around y...

Kingdom Educator Challenge

   It’s not too late for it to be your best year yet ! Join us as we discover the Kingdom advantage we have  in the classroom! Fellow educator Liesl Webber and I are hosting a  6 Day Kingdom Educator Challenge   f or Christian teachers across the country. We have a heart to come alongside educators to encourage and equip them. There is so much of our inheritance that goes untapped during the chaos of the school year. Our hope it to remind you that  you were never meant to do this alone. This 6 day Challenge is packed with extra Bonuses including an original Kingdom Educator: 30 Day Prayer Journal. In addition you’ll be added to our community of passionate educators who are partnering with God to bring Kingdom to their unique spheres of influence. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsor A Teacher! Know a Teacher who could really benefit from this challenge?  Sponsor a Teach...

Publishing Broke the I CAN'T Lie

My heart starts processing big changes a year ahead of time. Turning 39 was no exception. Time can have such a powerful pull on our vision.  For most of my life I've felt "out of sink" with the time-tables of those around me. As a young teen it appeared that "everyone" knew what sports they were good at well before my quickly growing body was able to reign in the coordination to realize running was my niche. Then everyone just seemed to know college was "it," while I longed to go oversees to the mission field. I didn't want to go with the crowd, but my vision of conforming was confronted when Father God asked me to go to school to become a teacher. It took me awhile to realize it was ok to major in something I'd already been told I had a gift for... but it took some vision adjusting because I tried out all sort of other possible majors before settling my heart's sight on education. Then it felt like most of my friends were dating and many w...

Hanging on to Hope

Do you ever have one of 'those' days where you have to work hard to cling to hope, instead of looking down into the pit of what could happen if things don't change?  This week has been a battle  to embrace rest on the bedrock of Hope.  This is real-life in my home of nine:  (six of the seven kids are my step-children and four of them are adopted from different nations, and the other two are my husband's biological children. Accept for our youngest who's our biological three-year-old, the older six are all 12.5 to 17.5 years old.) We've got a lot of hormones, communication, and conflict resolution training occuring around the clock in our home. This is commonplace for those of us with teens, but to add the reality that we only have the older 6 every other week and their mom has a different set of rules, expectations, and morals is another layer of our "mix." One of our kids has had an extra tough week; this means there's been a lot of loud outbursts...