Grab Hold of the True You: Representative of Heaven

Teacher, you are a conduit of God's Goodness We are Ambassadors You are an ambassador of Heaven sent to establish His Kingdom wherever you have influence. A significant mentor in my life from the Seattle area, Andre Benjamin, spoke some life-changing truths into my heart as a young teacher. He'd remind me, "Y ou are an apostle, an evangelist, a pastor, a teacher, and a prophet as a Teacher." You need to declare the truth of God's word, what He says about who you are in Christ Jesus, over yourself daily. Take communion with Jesus daily to remind yourself that you're anointed to do the works of Jesus-- and that you're covered by His blood and His authority as you go about planning, writing curriculum, relating and redirecting students, teaching, conducting conferences and working with colleagues. You have a voice and it matters in the courts of Heaven and also on the earth because God has placed His favor upon your life and your position. He sees you and...